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Boat Cruise

Boat Cruise . What a day that was leaving the school early to go get ready and having a girls day with my best friend ,(who is basically my family). I had been so nervous for what was to come , scared that people wouldn't like my dress or make fun of me .Mainly I was scared that I would go to walk onto the boat and trip and break a heel and rip the dress I was wearing .I almost did quite a few times walking up the stairs my dress was just so long .

We all went to explore the boat that we would be on for the evening ,when you got up to certain areas on the boat it would feel like you were flying above the clouds ;or at least I did .The view from the boat was absolutely breath taking the water was so blue ,the boat just glided through the water with ease ,we saw lots of other boats while we were out there ;even went under a few bridges ,which was pretty cool.

It wasn't until about an hour after we had been on the boat that the food was finally ready to be eaten, we had to go down a level to get to the food and it looked and smelled so delicious . There were rolls ,buns ,salad ,this delicious looking pasta salad and next to that was this spinach lasagna type of casserole which had a very creamy cheese inside of it .Then there were these perfectly roasted potatoes ,there was roast beef and a cooked ham roast.

As soon as we were done eating dinner we all listened to the amazing music that was being played by the great DJ ,some of us danced ,others talked or took photos to create these memories that would be with us always .Everyone looked great and was having so much fun even the teachers supervising were having a blast .

About an hour before we were supposed to dock the party really started we all got on the dance floor and busted our best moves .then the DJ called for a dance battle and it was on guys vs. girls

and by the last round we were tied but we managed okay considering we beat the guys and won. We were so proud of ourselves .Sadly thats when we had to dock and go home but it was to be a night we would never forget .

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